In our quest to analyze and review the most well known slimming patches out there, we looked at the diet patch Called Thrive DFT by Le-Vel. This is a Multi-level-marketing (MLM) company similar to Herbalife that manufactures several weight loss products including the Sculpt and Activate range.
Their patches have many designs from animals print to slogan prints like “Got my Thrive on”. They seem to be encouraging customers to wear their Thrive weight loss patch with pride rather than wear it somewhere discreet.
The official Thrive website is confusing to navigate and if you wanted to buy one of the patches available you would first need to register an account. This lack of transparency of cost is offputting to me.
Using our trusted rating criteria, we came to the conclusion that this weight loss patch is not to be recommended. Read on to find out why Dr. Shaun Holt of New Zealand said:
“Best case is that it is a waste of money, worst case is that it is dangerous”
Claims and Ingredients
This patch has the makings of a good diet patch. Like any weight loss patch, it has a stick on and forget for 24hrs system that they call Derma Fusion Technology (DFT). The patch's ingredients are absorbed into your skin, bypassing your digestive system where they could have been broken down and made ineffective.
The company behind the patch, Le-Vel, claims wearing the DFT patch every day will cause:
- Weight loss
- Increased focus and mental clarity
- Appetite suppression
- Improved digestion
- Increased metabolism
It contains popular weight loss ingredients like green coffee bean extract and Garcinia cambogia, although there has never been any scientific proof that these ingredients can pass through the skin into the bloodstream.
Is Thrive DFT Diet Patch a Scam?
The company does seem to ship out their patch, so we can't simply say that it's a scam. It is, however, difficult to buy just one packet without being tied into a re-bill subscription service. This is a major flaw, as what would happen if the patch didn't work and you were tied into a contract to keep buying it?
On the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website earlier this year one complaint said of the rebill system, referred to as auto-ship:
” My debit card on file… was charged for an “Autoship order”. I did not knowingly authorize this order”
Another customer who signed up for the patched through a Thrive representative (at present the only way of getting access to the products) said he was billed multiple times and:
“Wasn't even aware that I was on auto ship”
There is also a 30-day money-back guarantee, but you only get 50% of your money back if you decide to send back an opened pack. Of course, you have to open a patches pack to try it!
It is also quite expensive, coming in at $88 for a single pack, although they do try to get you on their re-bill scheme which is slightly cheaper but ties you into a long and difficult to get out of the contract.
What's the Best Alternative?
We have looked at the majority of the patches available to buy online and in stores, and we came to the conclusion that the SlimKick Patch stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of effectiveness, weight loss results, safety, and no side effects.
It doesn't contain ingredients like strong caffeine or other stimulants that will make you jittery, and is scientifically proven to work for:
- Suppressing your appetite so you feel less hungry and less likely to snack
- Causing a healthy rate of weight loss, and significant weight loss at that, of 1-3lbs a week on average
You can buy just one pack or several packs if you have more weight to lose. There's no pressure to sign up for a re-bill and get packs you don't need.
Click here for our full SlimKick Patch review