Not everyone wants to take diet pills. You might forget to take them at the right times of day (for example, just before meals) or you may dislike the sensation of trying to force down large pills. Whatever your reasons for looking to an alternative way of losing weight, diet patches are a great alternative to diet pills for a number of reasons.
For one, you just have to put one on in the morning then forget about it. The ingredients aren't destroyed by stomach acids like with diet pills. If you pick a good one, they can even be more effective than diet pills.
As for picking a good one, we have done the research for you, looking at all of the weight loss patches available and concluding that the SlimKick Patch stands head and shoulders above the competition. It is simply the best weight loss patch you can buy.
What is the SlimKick Patch?
It is my top-rated diet patch that you put on your skin in a discreet place such as on your hip or upper arm. During the day it performs a controlled release of its all-natural ingredients into your blood.
With this patch and sensible diet and exerise regime, you can lose up to 12lbs a month with a weekly weight loss of 1-3lbs totally achievable. As a general rule, people who have more weight to lose tend to lose it faster at first.
Its main mechanism of action is by stimulating your thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones, which in turn boosts your metabolism. It can do this because it contains Fucus Vesiculosus which is rich in iodine, a thyroid-stimulating ingredient.
If you are already trying to lose weight through diet and exercise, even if you are using other diet products, the SlimKick Patch can boost your own weight loss efforts.
How Does the SlimKick Patch Work?
It works in a number of different ways thanks to the selection of natural ingredients it contains. These ingredients include:
- Fucus Vesiculosus – An algae extract which aids the thyroid gland in increasing your metabolism
- Guarana – This natural ingredient acts as a gentle stimulant, known to aid a healthy metabolism.
- Zinc Pyrivate – A popular weight loss ingredient, used for it's fat burning properties as well as being known for boosting endurance. Ideal if you are using the patched alongside an exercise regime.
This patch is almost caffeine-free which is ideal if you are caffeine-sensitive or don't want the jitters and side effects associated with this stimulant. Guarana is a natural source of a small amount of caffeine.
It also contains no fillers or dangerous diet drugs, just all-natural, carefully selected, high-quality weight loss ingredients.
“They have made a real difference as it has stopped me wanting food between meals so no longer nibbling and snacking but no longer feel I want to and no hunger pangs either. ” – Shirley
You don't have to starve or wear yourself out with overexercising in order to lose weight with the SlimKick Patch. Just be sure to stick your patch on every day and you'll soon start to see a sensible, steady, and sustained rate of weight loss both in the mirror and on the scales.
Does the SlimKick Patch Have Side Effects?
Surely with all these powerful weight loss ingredients, you will get nasty or negative side effects? The truth is the SlimKick Patch has no known side effects.
Because this patch is totally natural you aren't putting yourself at risk from harsh chemical ingredients. You just see safe and natural weight loss results.
If you are taking medication or have a health condition it is always wise to consult your doctor before using any weight loss supplement.
Where to buy the SlimKick Patch?
The best place to buy this patch is from the official retailer because you get:
- The lowest price without retailer markup
- 100% genuine product – no chance of buying a knock-off or fake
- Low-cost, worldwide shipping to places including the UK, Australia, and the USA
- Secure payment by all major credit and debit cards or PayPal
What if you are on medication for blood pressure….and antidepressants and sugar.
Hello Pamela, As with any diet product I would recommend getting the OK from your doctor before using this patch if you are taking medication for these conditions.
does the patch cause diarrhea
Hi Ruby, The patch shouldn’t cause diarrhea because of the way in which it works – it doesn’t go through your stomach so is less likely to cause side effects like this.